The video I watched for this blog on the boboshanti rastafari people gave a different impression of Rastifari than what I had previously thought. In the video, the people lead very simple lives sometimes with not running water or electricity. They pray 3 times a day even rising at 3 am to do so. The more mainstream view of Rastafarians is in my opinion, much less related to faith, and more anti-establishment culture. Bob Marley, is an example of someone who is Rastafarian yet leads quite a different life from the Boboshanti. If someone had described their habits to me without saying they were Rastafari, I would have thought that a more radical religion than rastafarian. But, with all religions there are fundamentalists, radicals, occasional believers ('easter and christmas christians'). Each sect of rastas believe in different things, though mostly their fundamental concepts are the same. The Boboshanti wore turbans, prayed more and observed the sabbath. More mainstream rastas do not follow these practices yet both are labeled Rastafarian. All sects of Rastafarians try to isolate themselves from the Babylon that is Jamaica, but the Boboshanti do it more radically by physically making their homes and towns farther away from civilization.
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